2011 - 2013
The Substation Associate Artist Research Programme
In 2011, Tan was invited to particate in The Substation’s 2-year Associate Artist Research Programme. Titled MM, the research is a visual study and exploration of patterns extrapolated from the principal theme [subject] of J.S.Bach's Die Kunst der Fuge. The musical notation of the subject and its various permutations in the 14 fugues and 4 canons were translated into graphic elements. They were subsequently used to generate patterns based on mathematical principles, culmilating in three key areas of investigation: Fuga Grid, Fuga Lace and Fuga Concentric.
The first presentation at The Substation Gallery was held in 2012, showcasing the research methodology and process. In 2013, the second and final presentation was held, featuring a publication of Fuga Concentric and a series of Studio sessions in the gallery. In music, fugue is regarded not as a musical form but as a process capable of taking various forms. Similarly, the Fuga Concentric which is based on a circular template capable of producing both 2D and 3D works of varying complexity echoes the potential in fugue as seen in the use of repetition and variation to create textures.

Photography by Jeremy San