making something

Presented by kwodrent for FARM, making something is a collection of objects and tableware centred around the idea of make / play / use. Inspired by the kwodrent series where each piece of work is a formal study and exploration of geometry, construction, and material, making something transposes the design-and-make process from the designer to the end user. By doing so, it fosters a new dialogue between the object and its user and/or maker. making something is an attempt to bring out the poetics and sensuality in the transient nature of composition and form-making.

For this installation, kwodrent is showcasing two ranges of compositions in laser-cut stainless steel - Poppy and Meander. The series of cuts deconstructs the sheet metal to produce an organic and highly malleable property that is akin to textile while retaining its rigidity and strength.

making_something_1.jpg POPPY_L_CHROMEPLATED_72dpi.jpg POPPY_S_GOLDPLATED_72dpi.jpg POPPY_VARIOUS_FLAT_72dpi.jpg POPPY_LINEDRAWING_120dpi.jpg MEANDER_PAPER_120dpi.jpg MEANDER_VARIOUS_FLAT_72dpi.jpg MEANDER_M_SANDBLASTED_72dpi.jpg making_something_2-600x401.jpg

Images courtesy of FARM

Supported by DesignSingapore Council